Our Community
At QPM Energy, we are committed to fostering strong, positive relationships with the communities where we operate. We believe in the power of collaboration and are dedicated to being a responsible corporate citizen. Our approach is centred on respect, transparency, and ongoing dialogue. We strive to contribute positively to local economies not only through our operations but also by actively participating in and supporting community initiatives. QPM Energy‘s engagement with local communities is an essential part of our corporate ethos, reflecting our dedication to sustainable development and mutual benefit.
QPM Energy, has commenced an early sponsorship initiative to encourage children to participate in sports, particularly in regional and remote Queensland.
QPM Energy has offered sponsorships to: The Woodstock Horse Sports Club , The Challenge Games and Townsville Table Tennis, which QPM Energy identified as groups with an inclusive approach, a low barrier to entry and a focus on encouraging children of all levels of ability to participate and have fun.
QPM Energy was proud to partner with the Gudjuda Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation to sponsor the Under 18 Cannonballs Rugby League Team to participate in the 2022 Queensland Murri Carnival. The team was comprised of young men from several Traditional Owners groups in the region; Bindal (Townsville/Ayr), Birrah (Collinsville), Juru (Home Hill/Bowen), Barada Bana (Conners range), Thubi Warra (Hopevale), Lardil (Mornington Island) and also from the Torres Strait Islands. The team had a fantastic result at the carnival, winning all four games with an average of 38 points per game and coming first on the ladder. As a result of the strong performance three players went on to be selected for the Queensland team.
Traditional Owners
QPM Energy respects the unique and important association Traditional Landowners and local Indigenous communities have for ‘Country’ – the land, environment, culture and a traditional way of life.
The Northern Hub is located approximately 40km north of Moranbah and is ideally situated in a part of the Northern Bowen Basin that is known to contain high volumes of gas. QPM Energy’s future plans include new infrastructure development in the Northern Hub to collect additional waste gas and significantly grow production.
QPM Energy acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land pertaining to the Northern Hub, the Widi People. In September 2023 QPM Energy entered into an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (‘ILUA’) with Widi Aboriginal Corporation, the legal entity representing the Widi People. The signing of the ILUA is a milestone for QPM Energy, meeting requisite Native Title requirements. As part of the ILUA, QPM Energy is committed to providing employment, education and training opportunities for the Widi People.